Registration is now open!!!
Registration fees include the following services:
- admission to all conference sessions (including poster sessions and ANKA tour)
- welcome reception
- Monday to Friday lunch at the university canteen
- coffee breaks and refreshments during poster sessions
- conference booklet including abstract summaries
- USB stick with full abstracts
- public transport ticket for the length of the entire conference duration
Optional Wednesday afternoon excursions and conference banquet are offered for an additional fee.
For XAFS16 registration you will be transferred to a separate web page hosted by our conference management partner "Congress & More":
If you need an invitation letter for VISA purposes, please provide the following information to secretary∂ :
- Family and given Name
- Gender
- Mailing Address
- street name + house/building number
- postal code + city/town/locality
- country name
- Duration of stay: from – to
- Passport number
- Passport expiry date
Conference fees
Early registration: | Late registration: |
Beginning of March - 15 May 2015 | up to 15 July 2015 |
490€ (regular) / 250€ (student) | 590€ (regular) / 300€ (student) |
Conference banquet (27 August 2015) : 95€ (regular) / 65€ (student)
Cancellation policy XAFS16:
In case of cancellation, a written notification must be sent to the registration office.
Your registration fee can be refunded for a cancellation fee of 100,00 € on or before July 15th, 2015.
On or after July 16th, 2015, the registration fee can't be refunded. All refunds will be made after the conference.
Travel Bursaries
Students and PhD students who have difficulty raising funds to attend the XAFS16 conference are invited to apply for a travel bursary.
Postdocs may apply if their age is below 35 and their PhD degree is not older than 5 years, although preference may be given to students and PhD students.
How to apply?
In addition to the regular submission of an abstract, applications for travel bursaries should be addressed to the XAFS16 chairman and sent to secretary∂ Applications will be evaluated by an independent committee from the IXAS.
In their letter, applicants should briefly explain why they are applying for a bursary. Students and PhD students must provide evidence for their student status. Postdocs should provide a document stating the date of their doctoral examination.
Deadline for bursary application
April 15, 2015, 12 p.m.
Before May 1, 2015, applicants will be informed if they are to receive a bursary and the amount of support awarded. This date still gives sufficient time before the early bird registration deadline on May 15, 2015.